Duplicate File Detective 5.0.68

Duplicate File Detective 5.0.68

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Duplicate File Detective 5.0.68

Postby shaahsdiamond » 10 Oct 2013, 14:01

Duplicate File Detective 5.0.68

Duplicate File Detective uses state-of-the-art file content analysis technology to show you exactly where the duplicate files are. You can scan multiple file systems - folders, drivers, removable storage devices, even network shares - all in a single pass. Then use the powerful Duplicate Result Manager to move, zip, or delete duplicate files safely, all with assistance from our innovative SmartMark duplicate file selection system.

Duplicate file management is about more than just freeing up disk space - it's about reducing the expense of time-consuming backup operations, bringing clarity to document storage areas, speeding up file searches and indexing processes, and reducing clutter.

Our fast, network-enabled duplicate file management software saves you time and money, often paying for itself the very first time you use it. Don't spend hours hunting down space-wasting duplicate documents, images, and multimedia files - use Duplicate File Detective, and re-gain control now.

Main features:
� Intuitive and attractive user interface
� Comprehensive search filtering system
� Powerful multi-threaded duplicate file identification engine
� Multiple paths can be searched in a single pass
� Network enabled - scans both local and network file systems
� Reports can be exported in HTML, CSV, and XML formats
� XML report exports can be re-imported at a later time
� Project-based - load and save entire projects with ease
� Integrated command line support for batching, scheduling
� SmartMark technology helps you to identify duplicates for processing
� Duplicate file management - safer moving, zipping, & deleting
� Integrated image preview panel for quick visual comparisons
� Printing and print preview
� Integrated duplicate file scan summary report
� A file checksum calculator tool
� Integrated file types panel shows duplicates by file type
� Post-scan results filtering capability
� Highly customizable features and user interface

Size: 12,85 MB.


 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.
Code: Select all

 !  Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Это означает, что они должны быть удалены в течении 24 часов после загрузки. В противном случае вы нарушаете закон РФ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах", что может повлечь за собой ответственность предусмотренную законодательством.
Code: Select all

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