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Adobe Photoshop: Issues, consultation, discussion · Помощь

Postby KANNAPPANN » 28 Nov 2010, 02:09

Error 16 on Photoshop CS 5

Right, so after I installed Photoshop CS5 trial version, I get this error when I run the program:


After I clicked OK on that message, I get this:


I didn't even install any weird language packs. All I have is Windows 7's Japanese and Chinese Languages from the Language Bar. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling three times. Once without a restart, once with a restart and the last one with a restart, a CS5 cleanup tool and a registry clean. All same error. I've even tried running it as XP compatiblity and of course, ticked the "run as admin" box.

My computer specs are:

Intel i5-430M 2.27GHz

4GB of RAM

Windows 7 32-Bit

ATi HD5730 1GB VRam.

I've contacted live support, and this is what I get:

Thanks :)

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Re: Error 16 on Photoshop CS 5

Postby fitzy » 13 Dec 2010, 15:05

I am also have the same problem

I'm using Windows Vista

anyone can help us ??

and yeah btw I read the live support conversation :D LOL

It happens all the time :-) everywhere
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Re: Error 16 on Photoshop CS 5

Postby Nibiru » 18 Dec 2010, 01:55

THis is for Windows Vista / Windows 7

So here goes

1. Choose Start > Computer > Organize > Folder And Search Options, and then click the View tab.
2. In the Advanced Settings section, deselect the Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) option and click OK.
3. Navigate to \Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\.
4. Right-click the Adobe PCD folder and choose Properties.
5. In the Attributes section, deselect Read-Only, click Apply, and then click OK.
6. In the Security tab, make sure that Administrators and System are listed and permissions for security are set to Full Control. If not, do the following:
1. Click Edit.
2. If the User Account Control (UAC) elevation prompt appears, then follow the instructions to accept it.
3. Make the necessary changes.
7. Click Advanced.
8. In the Owner tab, click Edit and accept the UAC elevation prompt if it appears.
9. In the Change Owners Section, click Administrators.
10. Select the Replace Owner On Subcontainers and Objects option and then click Apply.
11. In the Permissions tab, click Edit and accept the UAC elevation prompt if it appears.
12. Select Replace Permission Entries On All Child Objects With Entries Shown Here That Apply To Child Objects.
13. Click OK and Yes until you have closed the FLEXnet Properties dialog box.
14. Launch your Adobe application.

Hope this helps you guys.
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Tagsadobe photoshop professional extended cs issues consultation discussion error16 on photoshop crack serial 2013 помощь адоб фотошоп вопросы консультация обсуждение инсталяция перезагрузка русификатор совместимость отображение обновление плагины русификация

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